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You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 's-o-ponizhenii-reytinga-belarusi' GROUP BY id' at line 19

SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT CONCAT(oauth.first_name,' ',oauth.middle_name,' ',oauth.last_name, ' (',oauth.about,')')) AS `full name`, news.*, users.nick_name AS author_name, images.img_path, GROUP_CONCAT(news_category.cat_name SEPARATOR ',') as categories, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT CONVERT( news_category.id, CHAR(8))) as categories_ids, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT CONVERT( news_article.author_id, CHAR(8))) as articles, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT CONCAT(oauth.first_name,' ',oauth.middle_name,' ',oauth.last_name, ' (',oauth.about,')')) AS `full name`, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT oauth.nick_name SEPARATOR ',') AS other_authors FROM news INNER JOIN users ON news.author = users.id INNER JOIN images ON news.image = images.id INNER JOIN news_info ON news_info.news_id = news.id INNER JOIN news_category ON news_info.category_id = news_category.id LEFT JOIN news_article ON news_article.news_id = news.id LEFT JOIN users as oauth ON news_article.author_id = oauth.id WHERE news.slug = '5443-minfin-prokommentiroval-reshenie-agentstva-moody's-o-ponizhenii-reytinga-belarusi' GROUP BY id

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